Friday, October 26, 2007

AhHh... super pissed... why face book doesnt work??!!!! friendster doesnt work too...!! cant load their webpage properly....

I saw Hades today. He told me : "your life is going to be miserable. you will be drowned with work"

That Hades is the school's lecturers... and yes! i will be suffocated with deadlines-->
Lets see...
I nid do up a jap skit
I have driving test
I have to complete my whole design module's design and portfolio
I have to do report
I have to do creative draft
I have to do up slides
I have to sketch 12 rough sketches by this wed.
I have to get all tt jap hw done.

WhOoHoO!!!~~ and they have to rob me of relieving stress over the internet... How kind!

Quote of the day: Assignments are just children of Hades produced to torture you.

時間  5:54 PM

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Dont ReALLy wAnt To YAcK AbouT hOw ScHooL LiFe Sux...BuT i'LL sTiLL dO iT......HAha

Top reasons why it sucks:
1) Doing reports is aint fun
2) You become a slave to computers
3) Listening to lectures is torment because you have to force yourself to stay awake
4) No soul mates to motivate you.
5) Assignment deadlines are forever haunting you
6) What are we supposed to do if tutors do not give clear instructions huh?
7) Reviewing grades will just increase adrenalin pumping
8) Carrying a heavy bag hurts my shoulders
9) Traveling 3 hrs in total to and fro, standing in the MRT and squeezing with KiaSU ppl is irritating!!!
10) I cant think of anymore because sch kills ur brain cells.
11) ..............the list goes on and on... any other reasons??!!!

Quote of the day: School sucks just like a vacuum cleaner, sucks you clean.

時間  6:39 PM

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The other events in my life... i kinda forget le... WaHaHaHa

Let me RecaLl:
There was MoO'S 21st BdAy
There was Clarrise 21st Bday
There was PaPa's Bday. (bouGhT a BeLt, aTe SeaFoOd).
There was school, early school, sucky school.
There was facebook.
There was Seng pang outing.
There was Geogers.

Ok... Thats all folks...

Quote of the day: Forgetting is not a sin, just facts thrown into a bin.

時間  10:33 PM

heLLo pEePs!!! LoNg Time no SeE.. I have HaTcheD OuT fRoM ThE CofFiN... *roAR*

Kk... So The LoNg miSsiNg uPdaTes... lEt Me StaRt FroM lAntErn fEstiVaL ThaT DaY whiCh iS 25 SePtEmBeR?? i ThiNk...

Oh WeLl.. HerE iT goEs... tHat Day i WaS sUpPoSe To TeAch TuiTiOn aNd ThaN iT wAs CaNceLLeD So i CeLebRaTed iT WiTh KaviN... a LaSt minute decision... So we were at bugis searching high and low for lanterns and candles... Candles were difficult to find!!!! lIkE seriously out of stock... they only sold like tealight candles and big candles... so at last found the damn candles in cold storage which were suppose to be birthday candles.. *FaiNtZ*

So hErE iT gOeS again...

A : YeAh!! wE can play lantern like all other small kids!!
B: Ya... (lights the 1 red lantern)
A: SInce we bought small lanterns i want light three of them and put it along the stick! I want yellow, orange and color combi.
B: (lights three lanterns)
(both leaves house carrying their lanterns)
A: *says proudly* HaHa i can bully the small kids later by telling them Jie Jie got more lanterns than you =P
B: yeah yeah
*After 10mins ( both were at the traffic light)
B: Why are u standing in the middle of the road??!!! careful!! (pulls A)
A: My lantern is burning!!!! ( one burns, the other was affected, saved one)
So at the end........ only one small lantern survived.
Moral of the story: never boast that u have too many lanterns.

Quote of the day: Theres a price to pay when you show off.

時間  10:00 PM

Age is secret
Living in a garden city




To lose 10kg
More mangas
More animes
More sleep
More outings
A trip to Japan


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